Monthly Meetings
SVCGG has a general meeting the 2nd Saturday of every month except for Dec. We also have a Reunion for the Mac Special Interest Group (SIG) that meets on the 4th Thursday of most months. All of our meetings are free and open to the public. Anyone is welcome!
Join our email list for the monthly meeting announcements and to be kept up to date on the latest from SVCGG.
January 23rd, 4pm-5pm Fonts: Type, Style, Size in Reunion
Fonts: Type, Style, Size!
Do you strain your eyes to read your Reunion data? Is it too tiny? Too big? Various notes, facts, and fields can be adjusted to display larger, more readable fonts. We’ll visit those areas and go over the steps for adjusting sizes, styles, and typefaces in different parts of your Reunion program. Do your eyes a favor — and join us.
Join us on Thursday January 23rd !
February 2025 General Meeting:
February 8th - Online
Meeting time: 10am-11:30am
Transkribus Basics - transcribing old handwriting
Pamela Brigham
Have you run across an old record and the handwriting looks like child just made scratch marks on the paper? Reading old handwriting can be a challenge. Sometimses reading any handwriting can be a challenge. The site Transkribus uses AI to transcribe that old handwriting into text. You can then use other tools to translate that text if needed. It also can give you a starting point when you're just having trouble reading a handwritten document. In this class Pamela Brigham will be covering the basics of using Transkribus. How to load file, setting the model to get a good transcription, and how to edit you transcription for accuracy. Come learn about how Transkribus works and how you can use it to transcribe your documents.
Join us on February 8th!
Upcoming SVCGG General Meetings
February 8th - Transkribus Basics: using AI to transcribe old handwriting with Pamela Brigham
March 22nd - RootsTech Roundup with SMCGS
Upcoming Reunion for the Mac Classes
Jan 23rd 2025 - Fonts in Reunion: Larger, smaller, where? with Martha Wallace
Ongoing Classes
Meetings online every week just to get together and have a general discussion on genealogy topics
General discussion about intermediate/advanced genealogy topics
Time: 4pm-5pm Pacific