Monthly Meetings
SVCGG has a general meeting the 2nd Saturday of every month except for Dec. We also have a Reunion for the Mac Special Interest Group (SIG) that meets on the 4th Thursday of most months. All of our meetings are free and open to the public. Anyone is welcome!
Join our email list for the monthly meeting announcements and to be kept up to date on the latest from SVCGG.
April 2025 General Meeting:
April 12th - Online
Meeting time: 10:00am-11:30am
Photomyne: Scanning Your Photos Quickly
Noam Eshel
Do you have the large photo project that you've been putting off? Do you have an album that you can't remove the photos from but still want to digitize the photos? Photomyne is a great app for that. It allows you to do many things with your photos and negatives. Come learn from Photomyne's project manage Noam Eshel about how Photomyne can help to make quick work of the photo project!
Join us on April 12th!
Upcoming SVCGG General Meetings
April 12th - Using Photomyne to scan your photos with Noam Eshel
May 10th - The Genealogy Roll-up: The Essential Shortcut Every Genealogist Needs with Jennifer Dondero
June 14th - Let Tech Work For You: Harnessing the Power of Apps and Tools with Kate Penney Howard
July 12th - Canadian Ports of Entry: Ship Passenger Lists & Immigration Records with Kathryn Lake Hogan
Upcoming Reunion for the Mac Classes
April 24th 2025 - Media with Martha Wallace
Ongoing Classes
Meetings online every week just to get together and have a general discussion on genealogy topics
General discussion about intermediate/advanced genealogy topics
Time: 4pm-5pm Pacific