Monthly Meetings

SVCGG has a general meeting the 2nd Saturday of every month except for Dec. We also have a Reunion for the Mac Special Interest Group (SIG) that meets on the 4th Thursday of most months. All of our meetings are free and open to the public. Anyone is welcome!

Join our email list for the monthly meeting announcements and to be kept up to date on the latest from SVCGG.

Reunion Thursday Class!

July 25th, 4pm-5pm Match & Merge

Class will use regular Thursday meeting link

Match & Merge

Do you have a family file for your mother’s family and another one for your father’s family? Have you thought about combining them into one family file or adding a GEDCOM from your cousin or from People who are in both files will now be duplicated. Duplicates can also happen if you accidentally add someone who’s already in your file. We’ll look at ways to prevent this and review the solutions that are built into Reunion’s Match and Merge feature.

Join us on Thursday July 25th!

August 2024 General Meeting:

August 10th - Online

Register for the Zoom meeting here:

Meeting time: 10am-11:30am

Don't Let Your Memories Fade

with Rick Voight

Vivid-Pix is uniquely focused on Family, Family History and keeping those with cognitive decline connected with their families - they share their message through traditional marketing, in-person and online events, and with partners. Rick Voight will be talking with us about Vivid-Pix's mission to help improve happiness and brain health by connecting older adults with loved ones and caregivers and exercising the brain through memories. They have a few ways they are doing this through their Vivid-Pix Memory Station, Research and Education, and Family History Community activities. Come learn more about how Vivid-Pix can help you to keep your memories alive.

Join us on August 10th!

Upcoming SVCGG General Meetings


August 10th - Don't Let Your Memories Fade with Rick Voight of Vivid-Pix

September 14th - Latest MyHeritage’s AI innovations with Daniel Horowitz

October 12th - The Bonnett Book with Nancy Hardesty

Upcoming Reunion for the Mac Classes

July 25th - Match & Merge with Martha Wallace

August - No Meeting

Sept 26th - Preparing for Holiday Sharing with Martha Wallace

Ongoing Classes

Meetings online every week just to get together and have a general discussion on genealogy topics


General discussion about intermediate/advanced genealogy topics

Time: 4pm-5pm Pacific